Football season is always a highly anticipated time of year. Aside from the fun and excitement of it all, it involves a lot of planning and strategy with draft picks and team plays. With the season finally upon us, find ways to make the most out of your playing experience with all-new customizations and features. Draft Day Sports: Pro Football 22 now includes an in-depth restricted free agent system. Having this option allows you to give more thought and strategy to how you choose your players.
A restricted free agent (RFA) is a player who has three accrued seasons and has a contract that has expired. These players are free to negotiate and sign with any team but their original team can first offer them one of a few pre-determined contract options called “tenders.” This way, if a player does sign with another team, the original team can match the offer or receive draft compensation for losing the player.
These are the tender opportunities contained in this year’s version of Draft Day Sports: Pro Football 2022.
However, if a team withdraws any tender, the RFA becomes an unrestricted free agent. An unrestricted free agent can simply sign with whichever team they want with no compensation awarded to the original team.
In Draft Day Sports: Pro Football 22, this new feature allows you to play with even more realism when it comes to in-game finances. DDS:PF22 also gives you a more tailored playbook, granular scenarios, and even more customized personnel. Additionally, this means you'll have to add more thought into your offer for specific players, especially if they're an RFA.
The team behind Wolverine Studios is committed to giving you a lifelike experience by utilizing sophisticated AI. If you want to try your hand at management or step in as a coach, try a free demo today.