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May 28, 2024

Wolverine Day VI - Celebrating 18 Years of Excellence


On this annual celebration of our company I want to start by thanking you, our loyal customers, friends and community members. Year in and year out you continue to make this a fantastic community filled with friends and of course the standard when it comes to franchise mode sports gaming.

I look forward to this day every year as an opportunity to not only say thank you but to give back to our community for their unwavering support. As always we have our unbelievable sale going all day today at wolverinestudios.com – if you’ve been waiting for a chance to pick up a game this is it because you won’t find many better opportunities. Best of all – no inflation here! We’re keeping our tradition of offering our games for just $15 today on our website.

Of course it wouldn’t be a party without some prizes! All day long we’re going to be having giveaways so make sure you are following our accounts on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram so that you can participate. Don’t forget to check out the Discord channel as well too for a contest to take parti n!

Thank you for being a part of our community and celebrating another year with us. Here's to many more years of providing you the best in sports simulation gaming!

Happy Wolverine Day!